Step 7: Make the Werewolf Feet!

You will need:

  • Shoes
  • Foam
  • Epoxy
  • Hot glue
  • Exacto
  • Plastic claws
  • Epoxy
  • Acrylic paint
  • Dremel
  • Clear polyurethane

Add velcro around the top to your shoe then some around the sides for the end of the fur legs to velcro on to. I also made a strap for this brand of shoe, which also has velcro on top of it for the legs to attach to.

I riveted AND glued the velcro on...dont' want it going anywhere! Plus rivets are fun to install.Toes! Basic block of foam, carve with scissors to round them out a little.Don't bother too much with making it super's going to be covered with fur anyway :) I glued my claws in my cutting a slit into the foam, filling it with hot glue and inserting the claw.

Paint your claws, varnish them with polyurethane. Add strips of fur, hot glue it all down...trim the toe fur and you are done!

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