Step 4: The Head and Teeth

You will need:

  • Sculpey
  • Oven to bake sculpey
  • Dremel tool or sand paper
  • Sharpie marker
  • Dremel
  • Spray primer
  • Epoxy glue

I added plaster strips to the ears as well as paper clay. Lots of shaving, sanding and swearing later and we kind of have a werewolf on the way...

Sculpting with paper clay sucks. I just did a little, let it dry, sanded, added more...repeat until happy. It's frustrating but it's worth it to me. This paper mache clay is REALLY light and really strong. It takes patience. I'd work on it between other projects so I didnt get too annoyed...

Oohhhh man, this is where it got fun. The teeth are sculpey which I molded to the jaw, then baked then glued in. I also put a little snarl over them in paper clay later on.....

I also used a ton of primer on this thing while I was obsessing over the smoothness... thats why the whole thing is suddenly grey. Notice how I marked the teeth so I could glue them in easier later on. I didnt detail the teeth as much as I could have but it works anyway.

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