Step 2: Add the Snout and Jaw!

You will need:

  • Cell-u-clay
  • Aluminum armature wire
  • Pourable plastic resin (optional)
  • Resin epoxy glue
  • Hot glue

Okay so I skipped a few steps, here..I'm sorry! Basically I formed a little wire armature for the snout, you can see it running along the sides there, nice and ugly. I then glued it down with the epoxy and glued some foam over the wire armature with hot glue. Snip the foam snout down to the shape you want. Make it a little skinnier than needed since we are going to add to it.

I then coated the entire thing with resin to make it super strong! Mix your celluclay and create a basic snout. Let this dry for awhile.

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