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Time to paint him! Again, I had thought most of the front face would be naked so I cared way too much about painting it all nice. It's not a total flat black, there's actually a little shading and highlighting. That red stuff in the jaw is tool dip, I figured I'd seal the inner face since it can get pretty nasty in there with all the sweating I'd be doing. Easier to wipe off and makes it a little smoother.
I also have some black eye make up to blend things a little better...and a balaclava to hide my mouth (ninja mask type hood).
The teeth have been sealed with a glossy clear epoxy. Do a test on your epoxy first, because the brand I used for the bottom teeth yellowed within a month or two and they no longer matched.
The teeth are not a pure white, either..I did stain them a little but it doesnt show up too well in the flash.
The hair was first i added mohair that i dyed and glued in piece by piece. Like I have mentioned i was going to have a somewhat naked face and was going to blend the hair into the skin. Dumb waste of time. I ended up hot gluing on fake fur and trimming it to become short on the face and snout..and blended that into longer hair towards the top of the head. I also bought some long high quality fur from National Fiber Technology for the back of the head...i used hot glue to attach all of the fur onto the face and head.